Meryl Taradash

Sculptures of Light and Wind

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The Caged Bird Dances II Grounds For Sculpture
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The Caged Bird Dances II Moving Reflected Shadow
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The Caged Bird Dances II Detail


12ft.8in.h x 3ft.4in.w x 3ft.d

I began The Caged Bird Dances II after looking at my earlier drawings and studying the first version on location. Wayne and I measured the speed of rotation of the sculpture on the dunes near the Atlantic Ocean, and decided that the movement needed refinement.

I was inspired to form a more fluid version for my solo outdoor exhibition at Fordham University Lincoln Center, NYC. (Fordham Video)

In 2007, Brooke Barrie invited me to make wind visible with "The Caged Bird Dances II" joining the New Additions Outdoors Series at Grounds For Sculpture. Spinning gracefully along the water course, my sculpture incorporates wind and light as its kinetic motion radiates from the central core of the sculpture. (see Brooke Barrie's Article and Maureen E. Korp's text in Epoch Times)

In 2011, the Sculpture Foundation purchased the sculpture for permanent display at Grounds For Sculpture.